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Frequently asked questions


A psychiatrist is a specialist in the mental health field with a particular focus on the prevention and treatment of emotional, mental and behavioural disorders. Psychiatrists use medicine and psychotherapy to treat mental disorders.

When to see a psychiatrist?

You should see a psychiatrist if you:

- are unsure what is troubling you and want to know whether you have a mental illness that may require medication:

- are not clear whether your health concerns are physical or mental;

- think you might benefit from medication to help you to feel better emotionally;

- have been started on a psychiatric medication by your doctor and would like this reviewed by a specialist;

- think you may need admission to hospital as you are emotionally exhausted and not functioning in your daily life;

- have been diagnosed with a serious mental illness that requires psychiatric medication and cannot be adequately helped by therapy alone;

- have been attending therapy sessions with your psychologist, and they have recommended medication to help you further;

- have been diagnosed with a mental disorder and are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.

How long are the sessions?

- The first appointment is usually around 1.5 hours (code: 2975/0161)

- Comprehensive follow up of 60 min (code: 2975)

- Follow up of 21 - 40min (code: 2974)

- Follow up of 10 - 20 min (code: 2957)

Are you contracted into medical aid?

 I am registered with most medical aids and have contracts with many of them to charge pre agreed upon rates but if you would like to pay privately please contact my practice for my cash rates.

How do i make an appointment?

Call reception: 0215065427

Email reception@drtaliaplanting.co.za and request an appointment, we will call or email you back.

Dr Talia Planting